Desk behavior in the workplace proves a little too revealing

In an office, every employee, no matter how lowly, is entitled to his own workspace. As a file clerk, I had a pretty little cubicle to call my own. The paralegals were the proud owners of the slightly larger cubicles with fancy trappings, like legroom. The attorneys had smaller offices with the luxury of fully […]

Wild Things has indie cred, not nostalgia

Saying this won’t halt any productions, but I wish Hollywood would stop co-opting my childhood to turn a profit. Coming soon to a theater near you is a slate of board game and action figure-based movies inspired by the success of Transformers and G.I. Joe — which if you haven’t heard about, gaze ye upon […]

LA stars are more than just celebrities

Although Los Angeles is now known for its movie stars, many years ago, scientists flocked to the city to look at real stars — the ones in the sky. Despite the incessant blanket of smog caused by Hummers and light pollution from endless rows of streetlights, Los Angeles sits at a unique location that allows […]