USC Thornton Jazz Department Faculty Recital

The USC Thornton Jazz Department Faculty gave a recital on Saturday night at the Alfred Newman Recital Hall, as Part of the “celebration” of the 125th anniversary of the Thornton School. Bob Mintzer, Endowed Chair in Jazz, Professor of Jazz studies, Saxophone and Composition and Peter Erskine, Adjunct Professor of Jazz Studies were some of […]

Google makes waves of progress

Every day I check my email, hoping a certain message is there. No, it’s not an acceptance letter, a message from my boss or a shipping confirmation for those amazing shoes I just ordered. It’s my Google Wave invitation — and it still hasn’t come. Of course, I could get one on eBay for upwards […]

3-D effects detract from cinema’s artistry

Cinematic spectacle is on life support. In some ways, the death knell of grand, eye-popping feats of onscreen ingenuity and artistry was finally sounded this year by the hack trio of Michael Bay, Stephen Sommers and Roland Emmerich. With Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra and the upcoming 2012, […]

Voyeurism, narcissism and vanity thrive in ‘Public’

Before you could tag yourself in Facebook pictures, organize your Top 8 friends on MySpace or send @MileyCyrus a love tweet, there was a web pioneer in the ’80s and ’90s named Josh Harris, whose aggressive business tactics and eccentricities have been captured by director Ondi Timoner in the searing documentary We Live in Public. […]