Love U: An open letter to a former Valentine

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays.   Dear former valentine, It’s been two years since you’ve been my valentine. Now what you are to me is something between a distant friend and a memory. Over […]

Love U: A labor of love

Relationships are hard. That’s an easy lesson to learn. What makes a relationship worth all of the labor that goes into building it? That’s a much more difficult question to answer. I didn’t have an answer to that question when I came to college. In high school, I was always guarded. I kept my emotions […]

Love U: On the dangers of a bubble-wrapped relationship

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays.   A bubble. For exactly a year and three months, I was trapped in a bubble that my ex-boyfriend and I had enveloped ourselves in. When someone suddenly comes […]

Love U: The right swipe and romantic reassurance

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays.   I started going on Tinder dates while studying abroad in Turkey. “Tinder tourism” we called it, and it worked out great. I joined a swim team, found my […]

Love U: Being unofficial in the age of Facebook official

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays.   It was the tail end of my senior year of high school. It was the time when the future felt closer than the present. I was bored with […]

LOVE U: We need your love stories!

Dear readers: College is a time when many decide to jump headfirst into the dating pool. Sometimes, it’s a perfect 10 — and sometimes, it’s a belly flop. From your most recent heartbreak to that best first date, Daily Trojan Blogs wants to hear your stories! Following in the footsteps of The New York Times‘ “Modern Love” […]