The Daily Trojan endorses Mai & Brianna

Undergraduate Student Government presidential candidate Mai Mizuno and her running mate Brianna Bozek share a vision that prioritizes tangible, concrete action to improve student life, while acknowledging the needs of the local community.

Letter from the Editor

From the first time students step on the USC campus, they hear about the Trojan Family. They are welcomed into it, told of its legacy and embraced by its rich tradition. This can seem daunting, intangible, mythical, even far-fetched. But I can promise you that whether you are the first in your family to attend […]

With the rise of USC Village comes a community left in limbo

When the University announced the construction of the USC Village in 2011, it made no shortage of promises. These promises included a range of student housing options to help address skyrocketing rents in the community, the creation of thousands of jobs for South Los Angeles residents and “a wide range of high-quality, affordable retail,” according […]

A Trojan Family: 125 years in the making

When 40,000 people are tied together by their scholarship and ambition on a single college campus, it’s not long before USC students realized they’re part of something bigger. It’s a natural part of everyone’s matriculation on campus — when admitted, students are assured that they’ll soon join the ranks of illustrious alumni like George Lucas […]