Kiffin hire exactly the move Trojans needed

The most shocking part of USC’s decision to hire Lane Kiffin as its next football coach is the level of shock exhibited by everyone else. It seemed as if the whole college football world — fans, media members and other coaches — recoiled in horror as the news broke. But there was at least one […]

Kiffin and USC a shocking mixture

I can only hope that, somewhere in America, a student being asked to explain an explosive chemical reaction on a test is writing “Lane Kiffin plus USC” as the answer. Any open-minded teacher would grant at least partial credit. If USC meant to grab national attention with its newest head coaching hire, consider it a […]

Fast hire seems desperate

Wow. Really? Those were the first two words out of my mouth when I heard Lane Kiffin was hired as the next coach at USC. After it seemed like everyone in the country was turning down the USC job, out of nowhere comes Kiffin. Kiffin’s move is and isn’t surprising. Like many of the other […]

Intrigue and change characterize break

Winter break is over. It’s sad, but it’s true. Now, it’s back to the daily grind of classes, homework, internships and jobs. It may not seem like it’s been that long since you’ve been on campus — in reality, it’s only been a few weeks. But in that short time, a lot has happened in […]

Trojans’ season isn’t all that bad

I was talking to a USC alum recently and was expressing my disappointment at the football team this year. There’s no way USC can win a national championship. No way the team can win the Pac-10 title. And no way the Trojans can compete in a BCS bowl. It wasn’t exactly the type of season […]

Playing to win blurs the line of controversy

Sometimes, the best way to gauge the public opinion of an event is to ask someone not particularly inundated with its details. You know what I mean? Like, if you were trying to decide whether Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” has become a certifiable hit, you wouldn’t ask a friend who is a popular […]

Discretion is real loser in rivalry

This one was ugly to the end. Maybe it’s for the best that this showing was relegated to cable in a timeslot that would keep anyone on the East Coast from watching. Those who did tune in probably flipped the channel before the conclusion. Experiencing Saturday’s USC-UCLA game was as much of a struggle as […]

Rivalry means even more this year

There are three things I’ve come to expect from Thanksgiving: mediocre football, passing out early and inane traditions. Holiday traditions are still fun, but many are of spotty origins. We do them because we’re instructed to do so, and the rituals derive their meaning strictly from history. It’s fitting, then, that the annual battle for […]