Fast hire seems desperate

Wow. Really? Those were the first two words out of my mouth when I heard Lane Kiffin was hired as the next coach at USC. After it seemed like everyone in the country was turning down the USC job, out of nowhere comes Kiffin. Kiffin’s move is and isn’t surprising. Like many of the other […]

McKnight runs into NCAA allegations

Junior running back Joe McKnight came under fire over the winter break, as accusations of an illegal gift from a businessman, which would be an NCAA violation, became wide-spread. The Los Angeles Times ran an article just before Christmas that looked at McKnight’s use of a 2006 Land Rover that he had been seen driving. […]

Intrigue and change characterize break

Winter break is over. It’s sad, but it’s true. Now, it’s back to the daily grind of classes, homework, internships and jobs. It may not seem like it’s been that long since you’ve been on campus — in reality, it’s only been a few weeks. But in that short time, a lot has happened in […]