Students de-stress in McCarthy Quad Monday

Students gathered in McCarthy Quad Monday morning for a DIY De-Stressing Workshop hosted by the Environmental Student Assembly, Special Events Committee and Academic Culture Assembly.

The event kicked off ESA’s Healthy Living Week, which takes place from Nov. 9 to Nov. 13.

Students had various activities to choose from such as a free yoga class, DIY arrowroot deodorant, DIY charcoal and bentonite clay face masks, DIY inspiration jars, DIY lavender eye masks and soothing tea from Rewts.

“This event gives students an opportunity to relax, take a break from their busy days and do fun non-stressful activities,” said Elizabeth Bricker, director of SEC.

Larkin Wynn, a student ambassador for ESA, helped students create their masks and deodorant.

“This is the first of our workshops for our Healthy Living Week,” she said. “Right now, we are trying to show students that there are ways to be natural while also being able to relax at the same time.”

Wynn said that the event comes during a time of high stress for many students.

“We’re applying ESA’s mission of bringing sustainable practices to campus while also helping students de-stress, which is hard for them right now with the endless midterm season that’s going on,” Wynn said.

As students milled around, sipping tea and making stress-relieving products, others participated in a open-air yoga class, which took place on the grass in the quad.

“I think this is a really cool event. I think it’s a really important thing, especially right now, as the coming weeks are very stressful, so it’s nice to be able to vent,” said Bella Shary, a freshman majoring in broadcast and digital journalism.

Shary said there could have been more publicity for the event.

“The only criticism I have is perhaps that the organizers could have advertised the event more,” she said. “I only knew about the event because my friend told me about it.”

Other events being held during Healthy Living Week include a healthy food fair, a composting workshop, yoga under the stars and an APASA Formal.