Tag Archive for: Alice in wonderland

Hailee Steinfeld to star in Sleeping Beauty

According to industry blog Deadline Hollywood, True Grit teen Hailee Steinfeld has been attached to a Sleeping Beauty script that has yet to find a studio. The blog reports that Lindsay Devlin penned the script from the princess’s point of view. This project is just one of many fairy tales produced by Hollywood lately. This […]

Soundtrack mixes Disney pop and eerie rock

A curious conglomeration of artists came together to form the questionable but well-meaning backtrack to Tim Burton’s latest cinematic creation. After watching Alice in Wonderland in theaters, moviegoers can now pick up a copy of Almost Alice, an album of songs inspired by the whimsical film. Though the album brings together an admirable amount of […]

Burton presents new vision of old territory

For seasoned filmmaker Tim Burton, negotiating the fine line between his role as a sweetheart of Hot Topic patrons and a director exploring the boundaries of commercial viability is a full-time job. Alice in Wonderland’s wide release opening today marks the director’s most recent effort to darken the silver screen. In the film, Burton tells […]