Tag Archive for: lane kiffin

Young secondary needs to grow up fast

It sets up like a scene from a Road Runner cartoon. Wile E. Coyote, the ever-so-cunning and physically superior beast constructs an apparently flawless contraption on the side of a mountain complete with a slingshot, boulders from the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark and 20 sticks of ACME dynamite to catch the speedy […]

With Kiffin comes culture change

Lane Kiffin stood there with his arms crossed, surrounded by the typical frenzy of reporters, his face serious, his answers succinct. It was early August. The first official practice of training camp had just been completed. The new USC coach spoke in a business-like tone to a handful of reporters. A smile didn’t dare threaten […]

Long term hopes not dashed by sanctions

Hey, Trojan fans — do you remember where you were when you found out that your favorite football team would be banned from the postseason for the next two years? It happened around mid-day on June 10. Midwesterners and West Coasters, you probably found out right around lunchtime on that Thursday from — well, you […]