Tag Archive for: Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender reunites with Ridley Scott on ‘The Counselor’

Prometheus, the film that brought Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender together, isn’t due for release until June 8, but the director and actor have already agreed upon their next project together. The Counselor, an originally screenplay from acclaimed writer, Cormac McCarthy, will reunite the duo together. The film is being labeled as “No Country for Old […]

New origin story places mutants in center of history

There are bound to be fans of the X-Men saga who will be pleased with last weekend’s long-awaited prequel, X-Men: First Class. Although the film does breathe some new life into the sagging franchise, it’s emphatically not the fantastic film it could have been, and it most likely won’t age particularly well. Unimaginative dialogue, a […]