Letters to the Editor

Process of sustainability

I was disappointed reading Wednesday’s Daily Trojan article regarding USC’s most recent College Sustainability Report Card grade — not because of the grade itself, but the almost apologetic tone taken in discussing it. It appears to me that the university has nothing to apologize for as it continues to lead and innovate in its primary mission to educate and empower young minds. Notwithstanding Sustainability Manager Matt Oden’s unquestionable and enviable credentials, the debate over global warming and related green initiatives remains contentious and divided. As a proud alumnus, I take far more comfort in noticing USC’s remarkable growth in academic excellence and overall prestige.

Under the leadership of President Steven B. Sample, USC has improved its core curriculum and academic rigor, increased it’s visibility and presence nationally and internationally, and secured unprecedented funding and financial solvency. Even Trojan athletics have returned to national prominence. Few institutions can match the complete experience offered to the students of USC.

Indeed, this growth includes physical improvements to the campus and its infrastructure, all of which should be done with sustainability in mind.

I am confident that the university will take a leadership role in sustainability as it continues building on and around the campus. Building a beautiful and functional campus should not be at odds with environmental causes, but both should be achieved in the context of USC’s fundamental role as one of the world’s finest universities.

I suppose it’s a shame that USC’s recent sustainability grade was not better, and certainly the university should continue looking for ways to improve. But in the end, the breadth and depth of USC’s excellence through the years should serve as sufficient evidence of its loyal partnership with its students, the neighborhood and the environment.

benjamin roberts

Class of 1994

Individual change

Although I commend the Greek community for reaching out to the gay community by attending the event, the fact of whether or not gays and lesbians are completely welcomed by fraternities and sororities doesn’t necessarily rely on changing the system itself. The time when gays and lesbians are finally accepted for who they are depends more on the openness of the individuals in the Greek community, and their decision to change themselves in order to finally reject false stigmas and stereotypes surrounding gays and the gay community.

beryl liebowitz

Class of 2009