Letter to the Editor
Time for debate
We would to like to welcome Mr. Omar Barghouti, from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel, to USC. Born in Qatar and raised in Egypt, this self-titled Palestinian holds an American degree in engineering. In coming to USC, we hope that he sees our campus for not only its aesthetic beauty, but for what it offers students — a chance to be intellectual, progressive members of the global community. We’d like to stress how important such discussions are, and although our views vehemently oppose those of Mr. Barghouti, we are intent on voicing our opposition to his appearance in a civilized, intellectual manner.
While Mr. Barghouti pushes for the cowardly boycott of Israel, he continues to reap the benefits of all that which he speaks against. Presently, Mr. Barghouti is studying toward his degree at Tel Aviv University (TAU), in the heart of Israel. TAU is Israel’s third-ranked university. Mr. Barghouti seeks the demise of TAU, Israeli academia and the Jewish State in general. It is important to recognize that TAU has rejected any call to expel him. This proves Israel’s dedication to academic integrity and equality regardless of race and religion, and clearly illustrates that she strives for understanding and coexistence.
This begs the question — if he has such disdain for Israel, her people and her institutions, why does he insist on studying at an Israeli university?
We kindly ask that before you blindly subscribe to Mr. Barghouti’s racist doctrine of intolerance in the guise of academic freedom, you remember that Israel, her people and her government will always be a partner for peace. She is a beacon for freedom and rights in the Middle East, regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Since her establishment in 1948, Arabs, like Mr. Barghouti, enjoy more rights in Israel then they ever could in any Arab state.
’sc students for israel, trojans for israel
well, all i can say about this letter to the editor is that is it as silly as who wrote it: I do not see anything in it more than accusing Barghouti of being raised elsewhere instead of his homeland (which is the case with MOST palestinians who were forced to leave their land in 1948 and again in 1967), or the other accusation that he is a phd student at TAU- which if who wrote this actually attended the lecture would have heard his reply to THAT particular question: he did not deny that it is an excellent university (i’m assuming it’s why he’s there after being a columbia university graduate), but he did explain that there are no other options for someone under occupation and apartheid, palestinian universities have not been able to have enough faculty to start any phd program close to his home. so let’s not rub that in, it’s a shame that you didn’t attent or listen carefully before sending this. talk about his ideas… his thought, not his upbringing or current status as a student! I am a proud Jew, and i ask everyone to open their eyes to what are facts. PLEASE. israel did not ‘allow’ arabs freedom of anything. that’s a fact. we are the next intellectuals, as hard as it is to accept the other’s story, it is the truth. And maria, he NEVER mentioned anything about ethnic cleansing the jews, i wouldn’t be writing this if he did. no lies, ENOUGH lying and supporting killing in my name. yevarekhekha hael.
one last thing: Daily Trojan, do your homework. we’re a university not highschool radio.
I also find it interesting you use terminology like “genocide against the Jews” considering that when Israel was preparing to invade Gaza they promised a “Shoah”.
What about Mr. Horowitz? Are his views not equally reprehensible?
Oh whoops. Someone doesn’t want the Israeli Army to bomb women and children. That must mean he wants to annihilate the Jews.
Maria, will you ever grow the fuck up?
Actually, shame on USC for allowing a racist like Omar Barghouti, who supports the ethnic cleansing of Jews, and preaches the destruction of Israel, to step foot on its campus. And shame on the Muslim Student Union for promoting racism, anti-Semitism, and endorsing the genocide of Jews. I heard that at the debate, Barghouti denied that the Jewish people are even a nation- denying their right to exist, and their rights to self-determination is the first step in trying to annihilate them. If you stand for peace, you will stand against him.
Since when can student groups at USC write a letter to the editor that is published in the Daily Trojan when the Daily Trojan failed to send a reporter to cover the event in question? Regardless of where you stand on the issue, what was the event? Who sponsored the event? Who were the other invited speakers? What did they say? How many people showed up? Shame on the Daily Trojan for publishing a letter to the editor in response to an event that wasn’t even covered by the Daily Trojan.