Kiffin’s choices could end up hurting USC

It worked against unranked Minnesota. It might not this week. Despite poor playcalling and a few other head-scratching decisions against the Golden Gophers, USC managed to notch a win Saturday in its season opener. But if USC coach Lane Kiffin follows the same script against Utah, the Trojans could be looking at a souring 1-1 […]

Haute Highlights

MixMatch Dance Festival The MixMatch Dance Festival, which offers local audiences a wide array of dance styles and performances, will be making its way to nearby Santa Monica for its fifth straight year. At the Miles Memorial Playhouse, near Santa Monica’s Promenade, attendants will be able to enjoy everything from contemporary, modern, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, […]

Salon crosses ethical boundaries

The power of photography should never be underestimated. With one shot you can move virtually anyone to tears, anger or happiness. In one photograph, you can even incite the rage of hundreds of people. This fact should’ve been taken into consideration by the Canadian beauty salon Fluid. In a series of photographs, the salon took […]

Letter to the editor

Smoking is a right This summer, the University of Michigan became the latest victim in a trend sweeping America. Joining more than 500 universities, Michigan implemented a 100 percent ban on smoking on campus. Is USC next? It sure looks like it. In the latest Graduate and Professional Student Senate meeting, an informal poll showed […]