Foreign waters

Ruben van Gendren (left), a research fellow at Katholieke Universiteit Beuven in Belgium, speaks to Matthew Ery (right), an almunus, at the Water Diplomacy: A Foreign Policy Imperative event on Monday. The conference, sponsored by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, addressed the issue of water scarcity in Third World countries.

Scholar athletes deserve to be paid by schools

Student-athletes are some of the hardest working individuals on college campuses. In some cases, athletes are up before dawn to attend early morning weight training and practices. After practice, they are expected to attend a full day of classes, before repeating the schedule the following day. Without a doubt, college athletes are living demanding lives. […]

Online streaming plays with originality

Our generation has made it clear hundreds of times over that removing that pesky human element from every interaction possible — in the noble name of increased efficiency — is a number one priority. We approve of technology that enables us to do or watch what we want, when we want — business hours or […]