New year, new code, new rules

This year, students campaigning for Undergraduate Student Government offices are required to play by a new set of rules. A revised elections code changed the campaign process and extended the voting period.  The revised code established a preparation period between Dec. 19 and Jan. 21, where the candidates could only speak to their running mate […]

Looking back with Kurth and Park

Signs on Trousdale. Profile and cover photos on Facebook. Student organization endorsements. What many see as a fierce competition raging on between factions of the student body is inspiring a very different kind of emotion in two students on campus — nostalgia. “It’s weird seeing it from the other end,” said Undergraduate Student Government Vice […]

Flowers for peace

Students from the Muslim Student Union hand out flowers with quotes from the prophet Muhammed that promote peace, love and intellectual pursuit on Trousdale Parkway Saturday afternoon. The student organization seeks to create  a strong Muslim community on campus and foster a sense of community for Trojan followers of the Islamic faith.  

Trojan basketball can’t find support

The atmosphere at the Galen Center had all the reason to be rocking. The Trojans were playing crosstown rival UCLA, tipoff was 7:30 p.m. on a Saturday night, in-house DJ Mal-Ski was spinning some half-decent tunes and even USC hardwood great Nick “Swaggy P” Young was courtside with his son. Yet as the Trojans built […]