Beyond Wonderland stuns with its musical acts

Over the past weekend, Insomniac’s brilliant mastermind Pasquale Rotella hosted Beyond Wonderland at the San Manuel Amphitheater in San Bernardino, bringing in more than 60 DJs and 70,000 attendees. The festival was held on March 20 and 21, coinciding perfectly with spring break season. It thoroughly utilized the renowned outdoor music venue through placement of four […]

Learning conversion rates adds value to studying abroad

When you’re traveling overseas, you need to be able to understand conversion rates. As a study abroad student entering her third month overseas, I’ve found this fact to be undeniably true. In the United States, the dollar reigns supreme. Before coming to London, I never thought about exchanging my money because our country is so […]

Marshall students go overseas

Over spring break, students from the Marshall School of Business traveled to different countries across the globe through the Global Leadership Program and Learning about International Commerce program. Both programs are only open to first-year students and aim to guide them in understanding different types of business strategies in international commerce. LINC is a seven-week […]

Supporting the troops

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (above) and President C. L. Max Nikias met with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey at Town & Gown on Monday. Dempsey both applauded the university’s and Los Angeles County’s support of the veteran community.