Student starts 3D printing delivery service

Sophomore Kyle Pham made his idea of a subscription-based service that allows people to enjoy 3D printing through a monthly delivery a reality. The only catch — the contents of the shipments are a mystery. On Sept. 15th, Pham officially launched a Kickstarter campaign for his start-up, CubeForme. Each month, subscribers of CubeForme receive a […]

USC Security Roundup

The following incidents were reported in the Department of Public Safety incident report summary on Tuesday, Sept. 22.  Crimes against a person At 7:50 a.m. on Sept. 22, a student was subject to a hit and run in the Health Sciences campus parking structure. The student reported that another vehicle hit hers while it was […]

COLUMN: Sarkisian faces an uncertain future

Well that didn’t go as expected. Despite entering the weekend as double-digit favorites, the USC Trojans fell handily to the Stanford Cardinal 41-31 on Saturday night. All preseason hype came crashing down around a faltering Trojan squad that had no response for a powerful Stanford offense. Even though the defense is mostly to blame for […]