Australian sports culture differs from USC Trojan spirit

Canberra might be the capital of Australia, but Melbourne is the capital of Australian football. Affectionately called “footy” by its fans, Australian football represents the epicenter of sports culture, and Melbourne hosts a sports culture that is quite unlike anywhere else’s. Throughout the year, Melbourne hosts Australia’s main sporting events including the Melbourne Cup Carnival, […]

When traveling, expect the unexpected

When you travel it’s nearly impossible not to have a few occasional bumps along the road. You spend hours making concrete plans only to have them completely turned around, sometimes within minutes of leaving for your destination. I always find it a bit ironic that people put so much time and energy into planning their […]

USG organizes Mental Health Awareness Month events

The directors of the Academic Culture Assembly presented their plans for the upcoming Mental Health Awareness Month last night at the Undergraduate Student Government Senate meeting in the Ronald Tutor Campus Center. The MHA Month will run from Oct. 12-Nov. 20. Hannah Nguyen, executive director of ACA, discussed the event’s importance. “This is the first […]

Drone injures guest at Pi Kappa Phi party

At a registered party hosted by the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity on Saturday night, a drone managed by the event planning company Extreme Greeks fell on a party attendee, causing her to be transported to a local hospital. According to a Department of Public Safety report, the person in question was a non-USC female who […]