A healthy guide to campus cuisine
There’s a lot of things that matter to us college students — parties, tailgates, football, grades(?), sleep, Netflix — and the most important of all: Food. Food is everything. But, what’s even more important to us? Cheap food.
The sad side-effect of said ‘cheap food, however, is that often the cheaper the food is more unhealthy. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing, let’s be real. It’s in those rare occasions when you’re walking between classes, see someone eating some kind of salad or wrap, and vaguely remember the far-off land wherein your parents used to cook, feed and enforce vegetables into your diet.
Perhaps they were right after all?
Luckily, USC has once again got us covered! And although we may be in an eternal wait for the new Village to open, revealing to us the long-awaited, highly-anticipated Trader Joe’s, we can still find a fresh vegetable or two here on campus.
So here it is — your much needed (whether you know it or not) guide to the healthiest food at USC:
Netkar — you all knew this was coming, but for those of you who are new to USC, Nekter is located in the School of Architecture. Visit for your fix of Acai Bowls, Green Juices, Nut-Butter Smoothies and Granola Bars
The Good Karma Cafe— located in the United University Church, the Good Karma Cafe is a Cafe serving a purely-vegetarian lunch on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 12-2pm. Bring $10 cash for an all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-put-in-a-box-and-take-home vegetarian, healthy and delicious meal!
Lemonade — if you’re brave enough to join the long line that forms every day around 11:30-2pm, you’ll find yourself some delicious seasonal variations of pasta salads, vegetables, protein and leafy greens, as well as some soups, sandwiches, drinks (and maybe some cake? what?)
Literatea – many people don’t know about Literatea, located in the back of Doheny Library, and even those that do don’t always know about their small but delicious food offerings. Not only do they have cheap tea and coffee (goodbye TroGro line), but they also have super cheap and tasty oatmeal every morning until 11am, as well as toasted sandwiches and a fridge selection with fruits and wraps!
Fertitta Cafe — the new Jill and Frank Fertitta Hall has a cafe located on the first floor and it’s been popular! The predominantly Asian cuisine cafe serves a range of healthy food, from Salads, to Rice Bowls, to Sushi and even a cheeky dumpling or three!
Even though USC has a great provision of healthy and diverse food, don’t be scared to venture off campus! The nearby vicinity of campus also has a lot to offer in terms of nourishment, taste and affordability, so be sure to check it out!
Top Recommendations surrounding USC:
— Nature’s Brew Food Truck (near The Village)
— Amazebowls Food Truck (near The Village)
— Urban Espresso (On Figueroa)