GOP — practice what you preach

While Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump dismissed it as “locker room banter,” people across social media were quick to call out the dangerous nature of the now infamous Trump tapes, in which Trump, among other things, discusses kissing and grabbing women “by the p—y.” After the tape was released, one Twitter user, first introduced by […]

Daily Trojan’s Daily Poet: Forgiveness After Betrayal

This week’s series of poems are about finding forgiveness after betrayal. The first poem talks about the betrayal of being pulled in and pushed out of a relationship. As the poems progress, it discusses inner conflictions that have stemmed from the emotions of anger and sadness associated with the betrayal. “IDENTITIES” is about the struggle […]

Strong work ethics are important in building a career in film

As a senior at the School of Cinematic Arts, I know the film school devotes special attention toward providing an education on the titans of film’s past. Entire classes devoted to Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg detail the creation and rise of these iconic, almost mythical figures in the film industry. More modern-oriented classes have […]