Los Angeles should welcome refugees

The ongoing civil conflict in Syria has displaced thousands of Syrians and forced them to flee their homes to traverse across borders, only to be met with backlash and violence. More than 7.6 million have been displaced within Syria’s borders and more than 4 million have fled the country, seeking refuge all over the world, mainly in Europe. The Obama administration has pledged to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees for the fiscal year. But despite being one of the world’s wealthiest countries, the United States takes relatively few refugees.

Instead of turning away Syrians, the United States should welcome them with open arms —  not only on a humanitarian basis, but also on a diplomatic basis that will improve the reputation of the United States in the Middle East, an area that has historically viewed the U.S. in a negative light. On a local scale, a growing number of refugees have been relocated to California, including Los Angeles. As residents of L.A., the USC community has a responsibility to make accommodations to provide these refugees with funds, care packages and welcome arms.

A total of 1,500 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States since the start of the civil war in 2011. Fifty refugees have been relocated to the Sacramento area, 53 to San Diego and 19 to Los Angeles. Though President Obama has agreed to admit at least 10,000 refugees, this is a small number compared to other wealthy European countries such as Germany (800,000), Serbia and Kosovo (52,000+) and Sweden (80,000+). Neighboring countries of Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan have accepted million of refugees, but due to economic and political instability, refugees are forced to relocate to safer buffer zones that will provide food and shelter.

However, an increasing number of clashes at European borders has prompted policymakers to dispatch riot police. Refugees are also receiving backlash from locals who are reporting refugees to police. Others attempt to profit from refugees by selling them tents and other supplies instead of donating out of a sense of basic human decency.

The United States should be a role model for humanitarianism to show that it has learned from the past. Unfortunately, history repeats itself — the United States turned away thousands of Jews during the Holocaust and now we are accepting an allotted amount of Syrians and turning away the rest of them in a modern-day genocide.

The resettlement of refugees in the United States is a long, complicated process. Syrian refugees are subject to intense interrogation to ensure they do not pose security threats, which rests on the assumption that all Syrians are potential terrorists. Perhaps the problem is the hypersensitivity Americans have toward Muslims and terrorism. The correlation to bigotry is based on the association of religious principles.

The Syrian narrative is one of irrefutable hardships and tests of survival caused by evacuation from a war-stricken, broken country that will take many years to mend. Many refugees fleeing to Europe by sea face capsized boats, stolen money and starvation along the journey to freedom.

Refugees arrive here with little to nothing, carrying their belongings on their backs and pleading for their lives. It is unfair, unethical and inhumane for the privileged to ignore the problem. Once the refugees arrive, a caseworker helps them attain Social Security cards, apply for food stamps and sign up for medical services. They are also enrolled in employment preparation programs and classes acquainting them with U.S. customs. L.A. has one of the largest Syrian communities in the United States, making it a great place for refugees to settle.

A majority of the USC community is privileged, and as a student body, we can make tremendous efforts to support Syrian refugees in L.A. The best way to help is to donate and, volunteer with committees that directly help the refugees. The International Rescue Committee of Los Angeles helps with refugee resettlement, providing immediate aid, immigration services, education and more. On campus, Ansar Service Partnership, a Muslim community service organization, is holding a Syrian refugee fundraiser on Thursday. Service clubs like the Ansar Service Partnership are easy to get involved with. If change does not take place on a political level, it is our duty as citizens to rebuild the social framework of our communities through welfare programs, which directly affect those who need it the most.

27 replies
  1. Liberty Minded
    Liberty Minded says:

    The USA is already a model of humanitarian. The USA borrows more annually than it sends out in foreign aid. There is no government budget to help these refugees. No only does the USA have the most debt in the world, increasingly no one outside the Federal reserve wants to buy new debt! Is the plan to have the city of Los Angeles default on pensions to help refugees? Money in LA does not magically appear for refugees. The city budget is full of trade offs.

  2. JBissón
    JBissón says:

    These people seem like victims at first. Soon you’ll see them come and settle in with tax payer money, the government will not inform them enough about the separation of church and state and how secular governments treat religion. They’ll get mad when they can’t practice Syria’s version of Sharia law and it will enrage their youth to join terrorist groups like ISIS. This is the cycle of Muslim immigrants. They come but they don’t want to understand. They simply want to plant their medieval culture and refuse ours while enjoying the benefits our western culture provides. We can’t continue to absorb these people and the problems they bring. No thanks!

    To all you Syrian refugees. Go to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or UAE and if they don’t accept you, you’ll discover just how good Allah is as well as your Muslim brethren. Then when you come to an epiphany, you can renounce your religion and join the secular western world.

  3. Arafat
    Arafat says:

    The incidence of rape in Sweden has skyrocketed since the liberal democrats passed immigration reform ten years ago as has the incidence of violent crime. Malmo, Sweden is no longer safe for Jews.

    In France there are large no-go zones thanks to Muslim immigration and the incidence of anti-Semitism is unlike anything seen since WWII.

    Muslim immigration in Germany is putting a massive strain on Germany’s financial system. In the US female genital mutilation is skyrocketing as is polygamy. Demands for halal meat and for Sharia law are unrelenting and Sharia law is even being used in many Muslim communities creating a two-tiered legal system – one for Muslims that is entirely inconsistent with British law.

    Muslims, generally speaking, have little interest in embracing our values and freedoms. Mostly they are interested in subverting our ways and replacing them with theirs.

    We should help the Syrian refugees: The Christian ones for they will be forever thankful, productive members of our societies.

  4. Arafat
    Arafat says:

    I’ve got a novel idea. Let’s do nothing. Let the Muslims deal with their own
    problems for a change. Let’s let countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait
    with their endless ocean of money and Western-bought armaments figure it out
    instead. Surely they – being practitioners of the religion of compassion and peace
    – will step right up to the plate in our stead.

    OK, you caught me there. You knew I was kidding! You knew what I know which
    is that there is no answer to these Islamic cesspools. Whatever we do will be
    discredited and if we do nothing then Syria will become just another country in
    the endless line of Hell on Earth Islamic countries.

    We cannot save Muslims from themselves. It is like trying to save an
    alcoholic. Until they are ready to abandon their religion – a religion that
    emphasizes aggression and violence and sadism – anything we do will simply be a
    band-aid on a gaping wound.

    Let them go through their DTs on their own. Only then will they be ready for
    our friendship and help, and only then will we find a way forward together as

  5. Nancy Kertis
    Nancy Kertis says:

    Why are they not going to a Muslim
    country as they already are flooding Europe, go to Holland and see what is happening. Who is to say there is not going to be some problems down
    the road with the strong beliefs they have as if you are not a Muslin than you dead.
    Watch out for the bad ones that
    Blow themselves up and take good
    people with them that’s what I am
    afraid of.

  6. wonderwoman16
    wonderwoman16 says:

    A better question would be why can’t a rich Arab country help out?…like Bahrain,Oman,Saudi Arabia,or UAE.They are invaders not refugees!!!!! And where are the women and children?…. This is a Trojan horse don’t be fooled people.

    • Bob
      Bob says:

      The rich Muslim countries refuse to take in the Syrian refugees because they want them to emigrate to Europe and North America to further spread Islam. The future culture wars in Europe (and perhaps the U.S.) will be brutal and deadly.

  7. Nancy Kertis
    Nancy Kertis says:

    We can’t even take care of our Veterans in a timely fashion as this Country is so broke nor our own citizens being homeless and a much needed System for the Mentally ill.
    President Obama says bring the refugees in and make it thousands and thousands. I say does he know
    how to count. Surely he knows some math, so that being said does he plan to pay for these refugees welfare with his own money? Excuse me President Obama but it sounds like you are dumping the cost on American People again. While you were President you had power to close the border with Mexico and no
    you let them flood California and they
    kept going.
    I am very sorry I voted for you!

  8. Les
    Les says:

    The author missed out on the really good reason for the USA to accept more refugees from Syria.
    These refugees are fleeing a war between “good Jihadis” ( according to the US government) bad Jihadis (according to the US government) and the Syrian armed forces.
    These “bad jihadis” came into being in Iraq after the “liberation ” of Iraq by G W Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their followers.
    If that idiotic clown from Texas had not been given the power ( by the US voters) to go out and destroy a complete country
    (Iraq ) it’s infrastructure and law enforcement authorities this would not have happened.
    So,…… you guys caused the problem, now you own it.
    Time to step up to the plate ( as you guys love to say) and accept ownership !

  9. Frank Back
    Frank Back says:

    Do not get sucked in with the “humanitarian” aspects of this dumb proposition. ISLAM will never be in accordance with Western Democratic values. Accept only apostates and deport those that practice and promote ISLAM.

    • JBissón
      JBissón says:

      You have to consider this article was written by a girl named Erum. Persians, who generally have an easier time coexisting with secularism, probably think they can expect the same from their Arab counterparts. Not so. Nonetheless, this rhetoric is everywhere though. Journalists and progressives in America always mention the cliche, “we always accept refugees, that’s just what America does”, or “we’re a melting pot and therefore they’re entitled to come under any circumstances!”. Beyond cliche, these statements are really obnoxious. It’s to say that America’s majority is not allowed have any objectivity and has to abide by these principals in order to live up to some reputation of tolerance and multiculturalism. It also implies that we cant adjust our principals based on the climate of our country’s immigration problems and mitigate these things before they get out of hand.

  10. telh
    telh says:

    Great sob story about the plight of refugees, but you ignore one thing. Islam breeds terrorists. It’s in their book. Refugees would perhaps be more readily welcomed if they didn’t come with an agenda to Islamise their host countries. No sane person wants neighbours who belong to a religion (the only religion) whose followers go about killing in the name of their ‘god’ claiming justification of their scriptures. I know the claim that most are moderate – but how can we tell who they are?
    Here’s an idea – accept only those refugees who publically renounce Islam & deport them if they change their mind.

          • MatthewPDX
            MatthewPDX says:

            I figured that’s what you’d say. That’s what you guys always say.

            This verse was revealed towards the end of the revelation period and relates to a limited context. Hostilities were frozen for a three-month period during which the Arabs pledged not to wage war. Prophet Muhammad was inspired to use this period to encourage the combatants to join the Muslim ranks or, if they chose, to leave the area that was under Muslims rule; however, if they were to resume hostilities, then the Muslims would fight back until victorious. One is inspired to note that even in this context of war, the verse concludes by emphasizing the divine attributes of mercy and forgiveness. To minimize hostilities, the Qur’an ordered Muslims to grant asylum to anyone, even an enemy, who sought refuge. Asylum would be granted according to the customs of chivalry; the person would be told the message of the Qur’an but not coerced into accepting that message. Thereafter, he or she would be escorted to safety regardless of his or her religion.

            So again, you’ve only heard a few buzz words like all the others like you always do.

            Also, don’t think for a minute that the Bible doesn’t have similar verses that, when taken of context, are just as sinister.

          • telh
            telh says:

            I FIGURED THAT IS WHAT YOU WOULD SAY. Funny thing is that the terrorists disagree with you. And so does Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and his followers. Not to mention the perpetrators of a terrorist act recently committed in my own country by followers of the paedophile ‘prophet’. It appears that convoluted textual obfuscation has apparently escaped Muslim understanding for the past 1400 years and is now trotted out in a vain attempt to give Islam some legitimacy. The evidence of the fruit of Islam is plain for all to see – even someone like you – so wake up. Islam has nothing of value to offer anyone. I suggest you leave it and bring you kids up under any other religion and at least avoid the possibility of them also becoming terrorists. If you think Islam is a peaceful religion (choke) then you had better spend your energy telling Muslims where they have got it wrong. Meanwhile I will to continue to judge Islam by the evidence I see in the world media and by the activity of terrorists at home.

          • MatthewPDX
            MatthewPDX says:

            The word you’re looking for is “Pedophile.” It’s difficult to take someone seriously when they can’t be bothered to spell words correctly. I didn’t at any time say Islam is the religion of peace. There is no religion of peace and my son will decide on his own what religion to follow if any at all. I follow none of them. Christianity has nothing of value to offer anyone. You were asked to bring up a quote with context and you failed.

          • telh
            telh says:

            The spelling is correct – just not US English. You need to get out more. The context that I gave you is the reality of the daily outworking of the paedophile prophet’s so called religion. No point recycling tired Muslim theological arguments when the fruit is obvious to all. Christianity is at least valid (evidenced through fulfilled prophecy). No instructions to kill or subjugate anyone in Christianity. Old Testament doesn’t count since mention of war, killing etc. are obviously historical descriptive not prescriptive.

          • MatthewPDX
            MatthewPDX says:

            Lol. You’re one of those folks that says “Old Testament doesn’t count.”‘ Your Bible isn’t all peaches and sunshine. The old Testament counts when you want to use the Bible to justify hating someone or something.

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