Entries by Paulina Ordaz

Sips Tea: Lost Chick to Boss Chick

It’s that time of the year — the flu has settled in at every dorm and sorority house around campus, teachers are cramming papers and projects to be done before Thanksgiving Break, and we have a new president! Whether you were with her or with him, the country is definitely in for some big changes. Personally, […]

Daily Trojan’s Daily Poet: Hesitation

This week is a continuation of last week’s poems, except some of them venture into feelings of hesitation. When you are falling for someone very quickly, it can be scary to continue. There is hesitation despite the fact that you know these feelings are certain. Eventually, you come to the conclusion that the relationship is real […]

Daily Trojan’s Daily Poet: Falling

This week’s poems are about falling for someone and the intense feelings that are associated with a growing relationship. More importantly, they are about the connection between two people who care for each other. These feelings are not only sexual, but also spiritual and emotional. When you are falling in love with someone, there comes […]

Best L.A. Coffee Shops for Studying

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Los Angeles it’s that people absolutely love coffee shops. The city has a variety of shops, and each has a unique vibe. It seems like all of these places are full of trendy, L.A. locals writing screenplays and drinking matcha. The area surrounding USC doesn’t have the largest […]

Sips Tea: How Living Alone Changed My Life

This year marks my second year living alone. To some people, the words “living alone” might seem scary, but I’m here to tell you why going “solo dolo” could be the next best decision you make. It worked out for Beyonce and trust me, it can work out for you too. My college living journey […]

Studying Abroad as a Person of Color

About a week ago, I was sitting in McDonald’s (A.K.A. MacDo) writing an essay. One thing I clearly remember was the various music being played in the loudspeaker. I heard music sung in Hindi, English, Arabic and Spanish all within a span of an hour. McDonald’s — which is really good here, by the way — […]

The Transition from Freshman to Sophomore

Freshman year is full of changes. You move away from home, you gain independence, you make new friends, etc. For me, freshman year was the best year of my life. I lived in New North, and while there were a few drawbacks to living in that dorm, I couldn’t have asked for a better living […]

Surviving Midterm Madness and Career Fair Chaos

If you’re one of the thousands of fall admits at USC and you’re still here, you deserve a pat on the back. You survived the first round of midterms and career fairs! I bet every international grad student would agree that the past few months seem to have gone by like a New York moment! Just […]

Daily Trojan’s Daily Poet: The Validity of Poetry

This week’s poetry focused on the validity of poetry and art. Some people tend to look at art as something that is only supposed to be aesthetically pleasing. They praise art that is “pretty,” but not art that is controversial. Art and poetry are meant to speak to people and challenge the thoughts of others. […]

Ask Hahney: Drunk Truths & How to Approach Them

I have a friend who is very good at masking her emotions with a smile. One day, we got drunk and she revealed a lot of hardship in life. When I followed up after some time, she pretended like nothing was wrong. I am worried about her, but I don’t want to press her too […]