Entries by Paulina Ordaz

What to Binge-Watch on Netflix this Week

Santa Clarita Diet Bon Appetit! Or should I say Bone App the Teeth? This show nails an interesting premise and provides a good weekend’s worth of binge-watching. Centered around a typical California suburban family where both parents are real-estate agents, the show turns pretty gross quickly when Sheila (Drew Barrymore) finds out she’s a zombie. […]

Where to Get Tacos in Los Angeles

  As a Texas native, I am used to eating tacos once or twice a week. At home in Houston, I knew the best small, breakfast taco shops and more upscale lunch and dinner taco spots. Since moving out to Los Angeles for college, I have eaten less tacos. Los Angeles is brimming with eateries […]

Traveling as a Student

  Let’s break down the activities of a hypothetical USC student in a week: 18 hours of class, at least 10 hours of studying, 10 hours of part-time work, 15 hours of internship, 12 hours of commuting and six hours of extracurricular activities and volunteering. That is a lot of time we spend at school. […]

Midterm Season: Sleep or Study

The night before taking a midterm exam, students often contemplate whether it would be more beneficial for them to sleep or stay up all night studying. In my personal experience, I have noticed that most of my friends choose to pull an all-nighter the night before an exam in order to study. They spend the […]

Roads Go Ever On: Studying Abroad in New Zealand

Standing in the international terminal of LAX saying goodbye to my family before I boarded a plane to Auckland, New Zealand, there were words of comfort and encouragement. One thing that particularly stuck out to me was my mom telling me how brave I was for deciding to do this. I didn’t really understand what […]

How To: Quit Sugar

Most of us are aware that sugar (defined, in this case, as refined or added sugar) is far from ideal for our health. However, the extent to just how badly refined sugar affects our health (mental, emotional, physical) is vastly and scarily unknown. I’m not going to go into the physical effects of sugar here […]

Behind the Desk: Through the Lens

Sorry, Paulina. I know I got this to you a good week after you wanted it. But as I’m sure you know and have seen, being a journalist never stops. So, as I sit in my dark dorm room at 2 a.m. after a long edit session with my lamp light illuminating the keyboard and […]

Show Me the Coffee: Dinosaur Coffee

Situated in the hipster promise land of Silver Lake, Dinosaur Coffee invites coffee drinkers to stop in for a casual atmosphere with satisfying beverages. The surrounding neighborhood, comprised primarily of trendy millennials, also offers a variety of unique small businesses. Dinosaur Coffee is among one of these independent businesses, which serves as a meeting place […]

Living Like a Hedonist

At 18 years old, a sixth of my life is quite possibly already over, maybe even a fifth. Never again will I be absolutely absolved from responsibility, the way I was when I was three and had all the time in the world, sparing not a thought to matters that did not involve Clifford the […]

A Guide to Being a Feminist for Men

The only way for feminism to prevail is to have cooperation on both sides — because ultimately, men and women are forced to coexist either way. Therefore, we might as well try our best to get to know each other even though we’ll never really know what it’s like to be each other. Having  respect […]