Entries by Paulina Ordaz

How To: Be a Morning Person

For most of us, morning people are like being professional athletes. We wish we were disciplined/motivated/energetic/alive enough to be one, but we just aren’t, end of story. “I’m not a morning person” — commonly said by you, me, him, her, your next door neighbor, my dog, your cat, everyone, ever. That said, without being cheesy […]

The 4 Best Flavors at Salt & Straw

If you live in Los Angeles and like ice cream, you’ve probably heard of Salt & Straw. The name has become more relevant as a new flagship store popped up in the Arts District just last fall. Instead of venturing to Venice or Studio City, USC students can now get this delicious treat Downtown. Salt […]

Science Trumped?

During President Donald Trump’s first week of office, he launched an all-out blitz on former President Barack Obama’s environmental legacy. Any mention of climate change was struck from White House webpages. In their place appears the “America First Energy Plan” — a promise of deregulating fossil fuels and not subsidizing renewable energies. In conjunction, Trump […]

Trump’s Gag Rule and How it Affects Women Worldwide

One of the many executive orders signed by President Donald Trump during his first week in office: a global “gag” rule, sometimes called the Mexico City policy, that denies US aid to any non-governmental organization that provides abortion services for women. The origins of the rule date back to the Reagan era, where the then-president’s […]

Local Adventurer: Jimmy Kimmel Live

If you have ever studied abroad, which I did in Switzerland last semester, you know how your weekdays are filled with work and exploring local spots, while weekends are for traveling everywhere possible. There is a sense of urgency to see as much as you can, eat as much as you can and do as […]

How To Choose Your Major

Picking a major is such a daunting decision that college students often wait until the last minute (as we tend to do with everything) to put our foot down and commit to one. Unfortunately, even then we often only take two factors seriously — money and job prospects. While these two attributes are undoubtedly important, […]

With a Twist: Making the Most of Your Weekend

We’ve been back at school for two and a half weeks, and it already feels like it’s been two months. On top of this, our next break isn’t until President’s Day Weekend,  and then a mere week off for Spring break. I’ll be the one to say it: This is a long time to be […]

5 Best Foods to Eat on Your Hike

It’s spring semester, which means that game days are no longer keeping USC students on campus on weekends. Many students decide to spend their weekends taking day trips; one of the most popular activities is hiking. There are countless hikes around Los Angeles that range from flat to extremely elevated and strenuous. People rave about […]

Sips Tea: How I Became Happy

I know many of you clicked on this article to find out how to change your own lives. Maybe that means reducing stress, getting more sleep in, or just finding a little more to be happy about every day. I can’t make any promises that by doing what I did your problems will be solved, […]

Ask Hahney: Groups are Limiting

  Q: I don’t feel like I belong to any particular friend group. What should I do? Quite frankly, I think groups are limiting. When people situate themselves in a “friend group,” they may neglect potential new friendships that could change the course of their lives. Dramatic, I know. But, I do think we often […]