Ways spring admits can make the most of their first semester

We’re five weeks deep into the spring semester, and hopes and expectations are soaring. From the highly celebrated football games to the rowdy registers thrown from last fall, Spring 2015 has a lot to live up to. Spring semester, however, is usually one that is a bit less wild. There are no longer weekly football […]

Healthy ways to stay active on campus

Our campus is not just beautiful; it is useful and conducive for a healthy lifestyle. Though we don’t have hills to run up and down, there is a plethora of ways to workout by staying inside the USC bubble. For those of you who are runners out there, I have two favorite running trails in […]

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day without going to a frat party

Though it might be tempting to spend Valentine’s Day — or maybe you prefer to call it Single’s Awareness Day — at a frat party, secretly hating on all the people who are happily in relationships, there are many other (better) activities you can do. Here’s 14 (what a random number!) for you. Watch Fifty […]

A Cynic’s Guide to Valentine’s Day: Will you be my anti-Valentine?

What is anti-Valentine’s Day? Below you’ll get a breakdown of why you should become your own anti-Valentine and how to celebrate this festive Feb. 14 holiday. WHY? If you agree with any of the following statements, you’re already half way there! Read more for reasons to denounce the day dedicated to projecting the consumerist, Hallmark notion of […]

What happens when it rains at USC?

Oh, sunny Los Angeles. This city hails some of the best temperatures in the state. But what happens when the clear skies and warm rays are gone? USC rarely experiences rain, but when it does it may seem like all hell breaks loose. The smallest puddle has the ability to cause complete mayhem. Here’s a run […]

Famous people you’ll see at USC

Housed in the entertainment capital of the world, USC attracts many celebrities and their kids. The Trojan Family is made up of some of the nation’s leading names in film, politics and music. Whether there is a celebrity attending your class or a movie star walking down Trousdale, there are countless familiar faces passing by […]

College life, beyond media portrayals and generalizations

Where do we get the idea of what college is supposed to be like? I usually end up eating strawberry sorbet and singing along to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack in old pajamas on a Saturday night. I know people who do the same, but I also know a lot of people who love to go […]

Delicious kindness, a change of mindset

We live in a stop-and-go world. Much of our day is predetermined with a set routine and, at times, we can become so robotic that we forget to set aside time for ourselves. Since it is a new semester, our routine might have changed a bit, but for me I still seem to need to […]

Five top hikes in L.A.

If you’re looking to venture off campus to explore Los Angeles one weekend or if you just want to be more active, look no further. Listed here are the best hikes in Los Angeles, based on my personal experience and general popularity. Disclaimer: None of these hikes are located just a few miles from campus, […]

The struggle is real

Welcome back to the realities of college life. Syllabus week is over and the not-so-missed weekly readings are upon the student body once again. The daily routine of coffee runs and running on little to no sleep is back in action. Though some of us students were hoping for just one extra week of rest, […]