Put down the iPhone, take a mental picture

Our generation has been taught to process the beautiful things we see in this world by taking photos. This isn’t necessarily a negative attribute; it’s just what we have come to know. I have been to a lot of unbelievable places in the past three months. Whether it be the green hills of Scotland or […]

Dutch girl at USC: Halloween in America

Halloween in the Netherlands is an excuse for teenagers and college students to dress up as slutty anythings or wear cat ears while consuming copious amounts of alcohol. Halloween in Los Angeles is an excuse for teenagers and college students to dress up as slutty anythings or wear cat ears whilst consuming copious amounts of […]

Volunteering at a Chinese migrant school

Before I arrived in Shanghai, I heard about an opportunity to teach English at a migrant school and immediately knew it was something I wanted to do. Through a non-profit organization called Stepping Stones, I, along with many other volunteers, teach English to grade school students at various migrant schools in Shanghai. Shanghai actually has […]

6 Do’s and don’ts of studying abroad

Profile pictures with the Eiffel Tower, Instagram posts with Moroccan camels, status updates proclaiming feelings of gratitude. Scanning through social media, it’s very easy to believe that studying abroad is only made up of positive experiences. While exploring the world away from home can be beautiful, impactful and overall a priceless experience, it’s important to […]

Dutch Girl at USC: Courses at USC vs. the Netherlands

After two months of attending business classes at USC, I have concluded that the curricula and teaching style here is vastly different from those at my business school in the Netherlands. I like some aspects of my classes, but some other things really get under my skin. A noticeable difference in teaching style here compared […]

In Photos: Living arrangements around the world

Finding housing year to year is a common source of stress for students. Deciding where to live while studying in another country can be even more difficult. While some study abroad programs provide housing for students, other programs require that students find their own arrangements. From dorms, to apartments to homestays, once you’re settled in it’s […]

Remembering that studying abroad is a privilege

Well we have officially reached the halfway mark of the semester. I can’t say I’m surprised at all.  As cheesy as it is, there’s a reason the saying “time flies when you’re having fun” exists. When people ask me how I’ve been enjoying my time here in London, I’ll usually give them an answer along […]

Golden Week in Tokyo and Taipei

For one week in October, China is in complete disarray as travelers take over every airport, train station and bus stop. This is all due to China’s seven-day national holiday called Golden Week. While some of my peers bravely decided to stay inside China during this chaotic week to travel through the country’s more mountainous […]