‘Stan Helsing’ a helpless victim of its own absurdity

The film Stan Helsing, written and directed by Bo Zenga, prominently displays the words “A Parody” in the opening credits, which leads one to believe that the movie will, in fact, be an acceptably humorous spoof. It’s supposed to poke fun at the horror genre, which has been done repeatedly (Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, […]

Bradford is fulfilling his promise

Allen Bradford was ready to quit. The bruising redshirt junior USC running back admits he considered transferring multiple times when it seemed he wasn’t working his way into the rotation. But the words of his father, Keith, always stayed with him. “My dad told me, ‘Life’s gonna get hard — you can’t run from it,’” […]

Colorful remake pales in comparison

Welcome to the newest installation of computer-generated animation. Recall the 1980s when American kids would gather around the television to watch Astro Boy, a popular crossover series from Japan that featured a little robot boy with a heart of gold and the ability to kick some poetic justice. Decades later, Astro Boy is back with […]