Banks stay afloat by unfairly gouging customers

Intelligent isn’t a word I like to throw out all that often. It infers that a person is rational and consistently makes smart decisions. Idiot, on the other hand, I use daily. Whether it’s me or someone else, it doesn’t take much to fit that bill. So back in high school when my friend Carlton […]

Stalking: another peril of being a teacher

If undivided audience attention is what you want at work, then there are many careers to pursue, including stripping. But becoming a professor is not one of them. Any student that has ever sat in the back row of a big lecture class, or is sitting in one right now, knows that even the most […]

Celeb children pad their parents’ empires

When we decide to take on the selfless act of parenthood, we instantly commit ourselves to a few sacrifices. We sacrifice our sense of smell, having to change toxic diapers countless times each day. We resign ourselves to sleep deprivation, knowing that we must wake up at 4 a.m. to tend to a crying child […]

US would benefit from supporting global tax

France is stepping up again on an issue that is unlikely to be accepted by the United States or Britain. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is pressing for leaders at the upcoming G20 summit to consider a worldwide tax on every financial transaction, the proceeds from which would be used to fund global public goods. While […]

Climate change threatens drinkability

People who discredit or just don’t care about global warming are like drunk gamblers in a casino who bet away the deeds to their homes: They are taking a massive risk that will almost certainly result in homelessness, and they are likely to be wearing teal, polyester stretch pants. Global warming, if nothing else, is […]

Journalist wages honorable fight for transparency

It feels a little indulgent for one journalist to jump to the defense of another when full disclosure gets a colleague into trouble. Not all journalists exercise good judgment when they choose to release confidential information, and, in some cases, they deserve to face the consequences. In the past, some journalists have been known to […]

Celebrity’s deceit mirrors politicians’

Since the invention of spoken language, the untruth has probably been told just as much — if not more — than the truth. The average person lies three times per 10 minutes of conversation, which means by the time you’ve reached the end of this article, statistics say I would have lied to you a […]

An open letter to the Grand Old Party

Dear Republican Party, I’m afraid things just aren’t working out between us anymore. Please don’t be alarmed by this. I know this is sudden but I have concerns that you may be losing your stability now that you’ve been out of power for nine months. Recently, your followers even went after the president for having […]