Has the Bush dynasty finally come to an end?

Lily Vaughan

On Wednesday, former GOP favorite Florida Gov. Jeb Bush picked himself up, dusted off his tailored suit and turned back to public speaking after a less than stellar performance on the campaign trail, according to the Wall Street Journal. Going into the 2016 presidential race, Bush was the GOP favorite. Third in the line of […]

California primaries, and your vote, matter

Lily Vaughan

Students and local officials alike gathered around Ronald Tutor Campus Center on Thursday to catch a glimpse of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s first campus appearance at USC this election cycle. She and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti met with an exclusive group of student leaders and faculty to discuss terrorism prevention. Although not […]

Young Republicans, reform your party

Lily Vaughan

Ding-dong, kids. After 29 years on the Supreme Court, our favorite Associate Racist — er, I mean Justice — Antonin Scalia, has sadly died. A precious vacancy and a wall of conservative partisan screaming has been left in his wake. In the measly five days following Scalia’s passing, the Republican party has come forward at […]

Think your vote doesn’t matter? Well, not exactly

Lily Vaughan

When I asked my classmate if he planned to vote in the U.S. presidential election, he responded with, “The election? There’s no point in voting, especially in California.” He’s not the only one who thinks so. In a primary, some young voters consider their contribution to be somewhat irrelevant, since there is no partisan competition […]

College ranking systems are inherently political

Lily Vaughan

Very few things in life are purely objective. And yet, college students find themselves buying into the facade of infallibility presented by U.S. News and World Report’s hailed Best Colleges ranking system. And for another truism: almost nothing is apolitical. The Very Important College List is no exception. Like reality television, rankings are supposed to […]

Shunning inclusion is trendy but unproductive

Lily Vaughan

Undergraduate Student Government President Rini Sampath issued her State of the Student Body address Tuesday, during which she commended USG’s work on addressing racial inequality at USC as well as Provost Michael Quick’s efforts to create a more inclusive campus environment. Her efforts to highlight issues of diversity run headlong to constant criticism of political […]

On tuition, Sanders plan is superior

As a word to the wise, you probably shouldn’t major in basket weaving. Despite being quite the niche career track, it’s also not a degree you might want to spend an upwards of $100,000 to receive. If you’re pursuing higher education today, you will very quickly be faced with the highest tuition and student debt […]