Following a semester of activism, Undergraduate Student Government hopes to continue advocacy

The year 2015 was undeniably noteworthy for our student government. With the most packed senate meetings in USC history, we saw our campus peak with engagement and enthusiasm for hot-button topics. With exciting programming such as an inspiring talk from the beloved Laverne Cox to the tunes of Miguel at our fall Conquest concert, our […]

UCLA Student Body President: A bet is a bet

USC Student Body President Rini Sampath and I made a bet. The wager was that the president of the school that lost in Saturday’s game had to write something nice in the opposing school’s newspaper. Daily Trojan, here I am sticking to my word. While I am sad that the Bruins lost, I am honored […]

Providing refuge for Syrian refugee scholars and students is a moral issue

This week, resolutions were introduced in the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Government Senates, urging the administration to provide spaces and funding to Syrian refugee scholars and students by joining the Institute for International Education’s Syria Consortium. In the coming weeks, the resolution will also be introduced in the Academic Senate, where it already has the […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Street vending in Los Angeles should be legalized

With the increase in unemployment, there has been a growing lack of job opportunities in the city of Los Angeles, specifically for low-income, undocumented residents. With fewer opportunities to earn an honest living, low-income undocumented residents significantly depend on street vending to provide for their families. Street vending is an integral part of the city’s […]