LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Students should pay greater attention to Los Angeles school-to-prison pipeline

As my first semester as a graduate student at USC heads toward its conclusion, the most fascinating comment I’ve encountered was stated at the beginning of the semester across the street from campus. It was stated casually, with a sense of underlying sadness by a staff member of the Neighborhood Academic Initiative. Simply put, she […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: University must embrace student activism

As student government leaders, we work with some of the most remarkable students on our campus. Together, we’ve had great successes, including advocacy work on behalf of students with disabilities, Leavey Library renovations, our mental health awareness campaign, research symposiums, concerts and more. We believe these impactful projects leave our campus better than when we […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: On Milo Yiannopoulos’ failure to acknowledge his own existence

Last Wednesday, the USC College Republicans hosted British journalist and businessman Milo Yiannopoulos for a rollicking evening of denying the existence of rape, rape culture and trauma all at once. Nearly four years ago now, I was raped by a fellow USC student during my first undergraduate year. Today, as a graduate student, I work […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Women’s Student Assembly is more than partisan politics

This letter is in response to Sen. Giuseppe Robalino’s letter to the editor, published Sept. 30, entitled “Women’s Student Assembly Plays Partisan Politics.” Sen. Robalino repeatedly attempts to diminish the work WSA does by accusing us of engaging in abstract theory and partisan politics. What the senator fails to understand, however, is that patriarchy isn’t […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Women’s Student Assembly plays partisan politics

This letter is in response to the Sept. 22 article entitled “WSA director speaks at USG senate meeting” that ran in the Daily Trojan. As a senator representing the largest constituency in the student body, it is my duty to see that unelected bodies in Undergraduate Student Government, like the Women’s Student Assembly, remain mindful […]

Letter to the Editor

On Sept. 16, the faculty senate will convene to consider a proposal to add a fall break to our university’s academic calendar. Members of our university administration have expressed their concern regarding the impact of a fall break on our university’s academic integrity and standing. However, it is imperative our university administration and the faculty […]

USC should ban all Nestlé products

On April 1, Gov. Jerry Brown announced California’s first-ever mandatory water restrictions and instructed cities and towns in the state to cut their water use by 25 percent. This announcement has come on the heels of historically low snowpacks and persisting severe drought conditions that are threatening the state’s already strained water supply. The current […]