Time for Greek, GLBT groups to come to the table

One of the most sensitive — and most important — issues facing our university community is how gay and lesbian individuals are treated in the Greek system. Over the last five years, a trickle of complaints regarding this matter has become a steady flow. The issue was highlighted in a letter sent to the Daily […]

Pope makes savvy move to liberalize church

Last week Pope Benedict XVI announced the creation of a new policy, the Apostolic Constitution, which allows Anglicans to enter the Roman Catholic Church while maintaining their traditions. This unprecedented measure caught the world by surprise, sparking much speculation about the policy’s motives and consequences. The pope’s nuanced strategy will further engrain the church’s current […]

If the president could respond with candor

Last week at a town hall meeting in Louisiana, fourth-grader Tyren Scott asked President Barack Obama, “Why do people hate you?” Obama smiled. There was no chink in his armor. It was a loaded question, yet Obama answered in stride. He told Tyren that he still had a lot of supporters and that people must […]

Union churlishly rails on Metrolink cameras

As a general rule, when something is broken, it’s in the interest of at least one party to try to fix it. The task of remedying the situation is made even easier if the root of the problem is easily identifiable. These statements seem like no-brainers that merit no further argument. Unless, of course, you’re […]

Naysayers miss potential for AIDS vaccine

Last Sunday’s AIDS Walk served as an enlightening, and perhaps haunting, reminder to many about the prevalent pandemic. Despite the ample attention, money and effort being poured into generating awareness about HIV, it continues to be a destructive presence: 7,500 new people are infected with HIV every day, and AIDS remains the fourth leading cause […]

Fox News doesn’t warrant witch hunt

Over the past week, White House representatives have really been taking pains to make sure we know all about the war. Not the war in Afghanistan, of course, or the situation in Iraq. Those can wait. No, I mean the other war the Obama administration is fighting: the war against Fox News. Because, obviously, that’s […]

Celebrity twits break down the fourth wall

With the defiant, loud and talkative interaction that our generation practices today — Facebook, iPhones and Blackberrys included — the social media site Twitter fits in just perfectly. Whether we use Twitter as a cheat sheet to filter through the day’s messy list of top stories (recurring topics like #ObamaNobelPeacePrize or #BalloonBoy will help you […]