Celeb children pad their parents’ empires

When we decide to take on the selfless act of parenthood, we instantly commit ourselves to a few sacrifices. We sacrifice our sense of smell, having to change toxic diapers countless times each day. We resign ourselves to sleep deprivation, knowing that we must wake up at 4 a.m. to tend to a crying child […]

US would benefit from supporting global tax

France is stepping up again on an issue that is unlikely to be accepted by the United States or Britain. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is pressing for leaders at the upcoming G20 summit to consider a worldwide tax on every financial transaction, the proceeds from which would be used to fund global public goods. While […]

Uptick in campus safety unnoticed

The other day my friend suggested we drive to Downtown LA. In response, I handed him a list of the top five things I’d rather do than drive through LA traffic, which included watching The Oprah Winfrey Show, eating at Arby’s and watching UCLA beat USC in football. Needless to say, I think I got […]

USC should aid students in housing search

Over the past few years USC has vastly improved in accommodating more students in on-campus housing. Once students are inevitably shooed off-campus, however, they continue to be plagued by unreliable landlords. USC currently only guarantees undergraduates two years of on-campus housing. Every year, an average of 800 students who apply for campus housing are denied. […]

Obama not a ‘jackass’ for rebuking Kanye

Unless you’ve been hiding out in a spider hole in Tikrit for the last couple of days, chances are that the backlash from Kanye West’s MTV Video Music Awards meltdown has found a cozy home in your inner ear with no departure date on the horizon. Saturating the airwaves with the voracity of a freshly […]

New marriage proposal faces uphill battle

On Tuesday morning, three US congressmen held a press conference to announce the Respect for Marriage Act, a proposed law that would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act — which defines marriage as between a man and a woman. At the conference, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said that same-sex couples “have debunked the baseless […]

Climate change threatens drinkability

People who discredit or just don’t care about global warming are like drunk gamblers in a casino who bet away the deeds to their homes: They are taking a massive risk that will almost certainly result in homelessness, and they are likely to be wearing teal, polyester stretch pants. Global warming, if nothing else, is […]