Wheaton discipline reveals Islamophobia
Larycia Hawkins, a political science professor at Wheaton College, was suspended last month for a Facebook post that read: “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated … We worship the same God.” At the same time, she announced that she would wear a hijab as a physical manifestation of religious solidarity. In a statement released by Wheaton College, it is clear that Hawkins’s ill-advised suspension resulted from her post which grouped Islam and Christianity as one.
The actions of Wheaton College come as no surprise, given the anti-Muslim hysteria that permeated in the media after the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. As an institution of higher education, however, the college must be held to a higher standard of social responsibility. Through the lens of Wheaton College administrators, it seems as though Christian “love thy neighbor” principles do not apply to Muslims. Hawkins asked, “How well does Wheaton College care for its neighbor in Syria, in the south side of Chicago and in Soweto. And what if the neighbor in the south side happens to be Muslim?”
In fact, in doing so, the college inadvertently mirrors the very same rhetoric, image and intolerance it works so virulently disassociate from — that of Islamic clerics, fundamentalists and jihadists. The “othering” of religions separate from Islam is central to the jihadist cause, and irresponsible measures such as Hawkins’s case only work to strengthen the sentiment behind that cause.
The college also said that, “While Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic, we believe there are fundamental differences between the two faiths, including what they teach about God’s revelation to humanity, the nature of God, the path to salvation and the life of prayer.” While the truth behind this statement is questionable, the bigotry and xenophobia behind it are not. Above all else, the college’s actions have completely skewed Hawkins’s intent to show that a Christian should condemn any form of hate and discrimination of all members of humanity — Christian or not. It is important to note that Hawkins herself did not compare the practices of Christianity, as cited in Wheaton’s statement on the nature of God and Christian prayer, to that of its Islamic counterpart — but rather, like Christianity, Islam is an Abrahamic religion and deserves respect during a time of oppression and discrimination.
The nature of Wheaton’s disciplinary measures is also latent with Islamophobia. By brashly and quickly dismantling the link between Islam and Christianity, the college adds to the criminalization of everyday, non-fundamental Muslims and their image and association as followers of an Abrahamic religion. According to the college’s mission statement, the institution stands to ultimately “benefit society worldwide” — if this is the case, then why does the college fail to offer its hand in faith to Muslims? Clearly, Wheaton College sees those who follow Islam as outside of the label “society.”
At time where women wearing hijab are harassed, beaten and killed, political candidates scream for all Muslims to be kicked out of the U.S. and mosques everywhere are the target of hate crimes and sacrilegious vandalism, it is utterly heart-breaking to see yet another manifestation of discrimination. This is just one of many streamlined acts of isolation.
As a Muslim, I find it debilitating to be “othered” constantly, have to explain myself routinely and live in fear incessantly. I am tired of people shaming Islam with prejudiced rhetoric. It is considerably irresponsible for a college with as much recognition as Wheaton, dubbed the Harvard of Christian schools, to degrade a religion instead of understanding it. I expect much more from an institution of higher education. The school must issue a timely apology to both Hawkins and the Muslim community. Instead, however, the college has begun the firing process for her.
Above all else, Hawkins should be praised for her acts of solidarity despite heavy criticism and professional repercussions. It is people like her who genuinely work to “benefit society worldwide.” Hawkins deserves to be commended for showing that Christians and Muslims alike should get what they deserve: dignity and humanity.
Lida Dianti is a junior majoring in international relations. Her column, “That’s So Racist!,” runs Wednesdays.
This post has been updated for clarity.
It all depends on worship the same God is. Wheaton College is a college that teaches evangelizing the lost. Most at the college believe that Muslims need to be witnessed to to convert them. So if she believe that Muslims worship the same God but are not saved then she will be welcomed back. If she means that Muslims do not need to be saved then she is going to have a problem staying at the College.
This target rich environment deserves a more deliberate dissection. I have snatched a copy and, time permitting, will expose the errors at Crusader’s Armory.
I condemn hatred, bigotry, intolerance, imperialism, genocide & terrorism: ISLAM.
Lida’s article might be OK, if Wheaton were a public university, or a non-sectarian one, like USC. But it has presented itself as a Christian college and need not tolerate religious declarations by instructors conflicting with the college’s religious doctrine. The instructor made such a declaration, after having pledged to live and teach consistent with Wheaton’s religious doctrine. Instructor Hawkins violated her pledge. So Wheaton College suspended her to reinforce its policy. Simple as that.
This had NOTHING to do with Islam or wearing a head scarf. Professor Larycia Hawkins was removed from a Christian university because she signed a statement of her Christian faith and to uphold the Christian faith in her position and recent her statements rejects Jesus and she has never reversed that position.
The god of Islam is simply not God, regardless of what Larycia Hawkins or Pope Francis may say to the contrary. It may be ‘So Racist!’ to say so, and certainly unpopular, but there no alternate routes to salvation and eternal life apart from Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross.
Yes, allah is actually Satan. The Bible and the koranus make that clear.
Indeed – openly hostile to Jesus Christ and to Christians and Jews, and destined to spend eternity in the lake of fire.
Consigned there along with the beast and the false prophet (Rev. 20:10).
Indeed, and the false prophet of Islam will be there too, unless he accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour instead of denying His deity and crucifixion.
I suspect he’s already there.
I am not the judge, but I have seen nothing to suggest that he rejected Islam prior to his death.
No, his aorta didn’t either. ;-)
Yain’t seen it ‘cuz there ain’t any.
I thought not.
According to Islamic aquidah, Moe is alive in his grave, either haveing been shown his place in Jannah or Jannahm. In the latter case, being tormented in the most horrific ways as he awaits judgment day. See the chapter on Punishments of the Grave in Mishkat ul-Misabih. If memory serves, its in the first volume which you may have difficulty finding.
I wouldn’t trust anything they say. They don’t know squat and have no clue.
Its fantasy, of cuss, but they believe it.
Anyone who believes the Burak story is a deluded fool.
U mean the miraj ;)
That’s the one. Many people left his cult that day.
He was sleeping in some other gal’s house when he had the nightmare. Ibn Sa’d tells about it.
It was his cousin. He was diddling her. He snuck into her house then panicked when they got onto him. He shot out the back and they caught him there. So he concocted the story. The Prophet of Doom website has a brilliant write up of it based on the hadiths.
When I try to get in, its password protected and I can’t enter. (:
Aisha’s account reveals that he cursed us on his deathbead so that Abu Bakr drove them out of the Hijaz.
But Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim & Ibn Sa’d are required for the final probative evidence.
Of what race is Jehovah a member? What is Allah’s race? Did Jehovah communicate revelations to his Prophets through “the musical instrument of Satan” as Allah did to Moe?
Which Hebrew Prophet was demon possessed?
What must a Muslim do to be assured of salvation, according to Allah?
Hogwash! There’s no such thing.
While muslims may question the truth of “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me”, they reject that truth at their peril. Everything to do with redemption of fallen, sinful mankind, and nothing to do with ‘bigotry and xenophobia’.
Not to mention that this alleged pislamophobia is nothing but a fabrication.
It is simply a label used to deflect attention from allah’s evil scheme to hijack Creation and set itself up as ‘lord of the worlds’, instead of ‘lord of the flies’.
Indeed. Just ignore the man behind the curtain.
As so many do.
Merkel, for example.
Delve into Guillaume’s “The Life Of Muhammad” [Ishaq’s Sira]
If memory serves, pages 510-511 reveal what he prayed to and what he prayed for and it ain’t pretty.
Moe co-opted Abraham, Moses & Jesus as Muslims, but there were no Muslims prior to 610 when Moe began contriving the war cult, and in the Unholy Koranus, it is revealed that he was “commanded to be the first of the believers”,
Yes, he’s nothing but a liar.
Moreover, a psychotic barbarian warlord.
With a penchant for little girls.