Tag Archive for: column

COLUMN: Move to Vegas will benefit Raiders

Momentum is an awfully powerful thing. It has the ability to take you from a stagnant halt one second to a state of instant acceleration the next. Just 15 months ago, there were no NFL teams in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. It’s now March 2017, and the Los Angeles Rams just completed their first […]

COLUMN: Journalism must not play into stereotypes

On Sunday morning, I woke up to the startling and tragic news of another mass shooting — this one having taken place at the popular Cameo Night Club in my hometown of Cincinnati. Though I have never been to this club, the news conjured up uncanny feelings of seeing my Ohio city dashed across national […]

COLUMN: Pushing one’s limits is necessary for runners

Every senior in college has a few of those moments when they suddenly realize that things that happened in high school happened a very long time ago. I have a well-worn shirt from my glory days on the high school cross country team that is more than five years old. I’m not sure if I […]