Tag Archive for: column

COLUMN: Eating disorder clichés hurt everyone

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week has arrived fresh on the heels of January diets and Valentine’s Day binges, telling us that “It’s Time To Talk About It” and filling our Twitter timelines with bland girl-power messages about loving ourselves, embracing our stretch marks and being “recovery warriors.” I’m supposed to be your target demographic, National […]

COLUMN: Difficult training reaps its rewards

My friends and I are currently training for a half-marathon in April. Our team name is a joke, but we’re definitely taking our training semi-seriously. Last week was the first time we ran more than five miles, and it’s the first time all year that I’ve felt a little apprehensive about running. I know that […]

COLUMN: Moonlight’s win offers hope in Trump era

At the 89th Academy Awards last Sunday, drama rocked the ceremony’s final minutes: In a move that shocked millions, it was announced that Moonlight had won Best Picture, not La La Land. In a debacle with details still to come, the La La Land producers were mid-speech when headphone-wearing producers rushed the stage. The real […]

COLUMN: Asian names still carry a stigma, especially in the workplace

On Thursday, NPR released a story about the significance of Asian last names in job interviews. According to a study conducted by Ryerson University and the University of Toronto, researchers found that employers inherit a systemic bias against minorities in hiring processes. In particular, they concluded that job applicants with Asian last names (Indian, Pakistani […]

COLUMN: County election offers students a voice

Another month, another ballot. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the near constant elections, disenchanted by the political system and even apathetic by city issues. But civic engagement, especially for those from Los Angeles County, didn’t end on Nov. 8 — it only started. Although not as tedious as the general election ballot in November, […]

COLUMN: Under Trump, we can’t always agree to disagree

If 2017 has forced me to learn or recognize anything new, it is surely that I will no longer, as so many have suggested for productive discourse, “agree to disagree.” How often in political debate, whether 54 comments deep into a Facebook post or across the dinner table, has this phrase been used? In the […]

COLUMN: Hookups don’t heal love’s old wounds

Turkey Dump is a term we threw around as college freshmen to describe the distinct phenomenon of high school sweethearts breaking up over Thanksgiving break. I watched Hallie and her boyfriend in Santa Barbara crash and burn a few weeks before, and Liv dumped her boyfriend from Oregon a few weeks before that. Then, as […]