Tag Archive for: Football

The time has come, Lou Holtz must go

I live for college football Saturdays. It’s during those 14 Saturdays, when the 90-degree heat gives way to the 30-degree snow (at least in my hometown of Chicago), that life is as beautiful as the Italian opera singers in The Shawshank Redemption. Like the prisoners, I stop and soak it all in. But there is […]

Stafon Johnson in surgery after weightlifting accident

USC running back Stafon Johnson is undergoing surgery on his throat after a weightlifting accident Monday morning. Johnson was bench-pressing in the Heritage Hall weight room when the bar slipped from his right hand and landed on his throat, according to USCripsit.com, USC’s official athletic site. “It was an unfortunate accident and Stafon is getting […]

In only a decade’s time, Carroll has built a juggernaut

Before the new millennium hit, I wondered how people would refer to the first decade of the next century. People could easily call on “the ‘80s” or “the ‘90s” to sum up an entire decade of culture and history in a few short words. Just hearing the words “the ‘60s” immediately makes me think of […]