Tag Archive for: twitter

Popular musicians draw inspiration from personal lives

The 2012 Grammys have come and gone, but an interest in the honorees’ artistic inspiration remains. For many of the hottest artists, their personal lives make for songwriting gold — and sometimes the messier their lives are, the more brilliant an artist’s work becomes. Adele took home a whopping six Grammys, including record of the […]

Admissions Office hosts Twitter dialogue with students, parents

In a network-savvy move, the USC Admissions Office took its question-and-answer session online from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday. The Twitter-based information session allowed interested applicants and families to sit in on an admissions answer session remotely, as officers tweeted updates. From 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., the floor belonged to those remote Twitter […]

Students reflect on Jobs’ impact

Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc., passed away Oct. 5 at the age of 56. News of his death dominated global media headlines and the online sphere throughout the day, with tweets tagged as “#RIP Steve Jobs” and “#ThankYouSteve” peaking in the late afternoon and continuing into the evening. USC […]

Justin Bieber sends Lil’ Wayne gift via Twitter

Posting birthday gifts on Twitter might be the next big fad. To wish Lil’ Wayne a happy 29th birthday — which the artist celebrated Sept. 27 — Justin Bieber tweeted his own version of the rapper’s “How to Love.” Posted during the insomniac hours of Wednesday morning, the tweet read, “Trying to sleep. until then […]

Portugal. The Man tweets its way to the top

When Portugal. The Man found out that its trailer, van and $100,000 worth of equipment had been stolen at Chicago’s Lollapalooza early August, the four band members did what anyone would do in this modern age: They tweeted about it. The word traveled fast. Portugal. The Man became a trending topic on Twitter, and soon, […]

New music app too awkward for everyday use

Would you use an app that lets you know who else in your building likes the music that you do? The idea sounds a little creepy. Imagine walking up to a complete stranger and saying “I noticed you like Band of Horses too!” Yet, sonar.me is a new app that lets music fans do just […]

Students tweet their way to a better semester

It’s barely a week into the fall semester, yet the university is already getting people excited for this year. On August 22, the school Twitter account (@USCedu) posted the question, “First week! #uscclass to tell us about the class you’re most excited about. Follow the hashtag & get recs from your fellow students.” Dozens of USC […]