Tag Archive for: With A Twist

With a Twist: Healthy Food Alternatives

  A lot of people ask me how I can survive without carbs, sugar or sweets. As a healthy eater, I choose to fuel my body with healthy food, but as mentioned before, this was not always my lifestyle. Admittedly, I loved to indulge in candy and carbs. However, once I started eating healthy, I […]

With a Twist: Five Places to Put Some Positivity in Your Life

  We made it – we are in the home stretch of school. With only a few weeks left and some big projects, papers and exams due soon it is easy to slip into a stressed mood and a negative mindset. However, do not be discouraged, because all it takes is a reminder of the […]

With a Twist: The Pros and Cons of Being a Healthy Eater

  My obsession with eating healthy has been a gradual process. When I was younger, I would eat mainly carbs, but as I grew up, I started changing my eating habits by slowly eliminating certain unhealthy foods. I didn’t do this because I tried to lose weight — I just enjoyed eating healthy food and […]

With a Twist: Overcoming a Fear of a Fitness First

  Admittedly, walking into a fitness studio for the first time can be extremely intimidating. I know firsthand the fear of the unknown hour that lies ahead can easily prevent oneself from trying a new class. If you relate to this feeling or have a friend that is hesitant to join you in your fitness […]

With a Twist: Healthy is Not a Size

  Last week I discussed the top 10 ways to motivate yourself to exercise. Within the article, I mentioned that, “working out should not be about getting that ‘spring break body,’ but rather a way to to maintain a healthy lifestyle that promotes a positive body image.” This notion is something I feel is important […]

With a Twist: 10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

    While I love to work out every day, sometimes I experience those days when I don’t have the motivation to go to the gym. It is not only because it is a far walk, but also because working out is a commitment for which I have to mentally prepare. So, how do you […]

With a Twist: Staying Organized this Semester

It’s midterm season, which means it is time to get organized. I’m not just talking about sorting your class notes that you scribbled in random notebooks — being organized this semester is more than just schoolwork. Since we are midway through the semester, it is important to reevaluate different aspects of your life and improve […]

With a Twist: Writer’s Block

Writer’s block — we’ve all been there. Whether it’s the week before, night before or day of (hopefully not) your paper is due, staring at a blank screen with an empty mind is a terrible feeling. With midterms around the corner and new assignments underway, this is a crucial time to put forth your best […]

With a Twist: 3 Things I Learned from My Technology Cleanse

  My journalism and communications class recently assigned a project where I was not allowed to use technology for 24 hours. That’s right, a full day without my phone, laptop, TV or anything with an “on” switch. At first I thought it was impossible to live without technology for a day. In the end I […]