Whedon achieves cultural icon status

If there were a crown for the godfather of modern geekdom, Joss Whedon would take the throne. Considering Whedon’s a third-generation television writer, it’s fair to say the native New Yorker has storytelling in his blood. But after moving to Los Angeles and spending a few years working for the show Roseanne, Whedon really got […]

How did Univision’s interviews affect Obama and Romney?

Last week, presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spoke separately on the Spanish-language television channel Univision to address issues regarding the Latino community and, of course, to attempt to woo Latino voters. Obama’s failure to follow through on plans for immigration reform during his first term was highlighted in the Univision forum. Moderator Jorge […]

Angelenos celebrate Endeavour flight for the wrong reasons

It seemed as if the whole city was watching: The six o’clock news was flooded with interviews from people who had waited in a certain spot for hours, people updated their Facebook statuses at the speed of light and Instagram probably almost broke down due to the amount of users making their space shuttle shots […]