Tag Archive for: michael bloomberg

Soda ban intrudes on personal freedom

Monday afternoon, just hours before New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban on large sugary drinks was to take effect, a state judge blocked the measure because of the law’s “arbitrary and capricious” nature.   The court held that the city’s Board of Health encroached on the authority of the City Council in its […]

Occupy Wall Street protest gains ‘Victory’ in NYC

In the latest development of the Occupy Wall Street protests sweeping the nation, 4,000 protestors in New York City’s Zuccotti Park claimed a small victory when policemen decided to cancel plans to clear-up the park Friday morning. The cancellation possibly prevented a standoff between policemen and protestors, where 14 people were arrested after the word broke […]

Steve Jobs, the modern American hero

Every generation has its heroes. These figures all have critics, but people in almost every demographic category revere them. Their importance shapes our culture. What about this generation, though? Our hero is more difficult to find. We could look to politics, but even President Barack Obama, who conducted one of the most inspiring campaigns in […]