Tag Archive for: Roman

Warmer or not, planet needs care

For us average Americans, the existence — or absence — of genuine climate change shouldn’t hold too much sway over our actions. Responsibility toward our environment should be practiced regardless of this single negative consequence.

Fear a common thread for students

Fear is a primal instinct we experience every day — from the stress of asking someone out to the anxiety of graduating and having to survive on our own. I recently tried to make a list of the things I fear most. I swallowed my stereotypical self-conceptions about laughing in the face of danger and […]

Campus involvement: Get it while it’s fresh.

Think back to the memories from freshman year. The good ones, the bad ones and the ones I can only laugh about now — everything was so new and exciting. New faces and friends, trepidation over the unfamiliar academic requirements. I also remember standing on the vast shore of extracurricular options at USC and wondering […]