Letter to the Editor

Safety priorities In his Sept. 18 opinion piece, “Uptick in Campus Safety Unnoticed,” Robert Fragoza was ignorant in his opinion of the vast majority of the student population, to say the least. While I admit that I am fervently trying to forget about the $250 fine which I received after biking across an intersection near […]

Trojans need past to become present

History is on USC’s side. Recent history, that is. If anyone has learned anything from the trend of losses to inferior, unranked opponents, it’s this: One loss does not end a season. Usually. Somehow, some way, a strange brew of events over the last three years seems to give one-loss USC a shot at getting […]

Drive-ins recreate film-watching magic

Los Angeles residents love their cars. From beaten-up Durangos to two-door Maseratis, Angelenos form a symbiotic relationship with what they drive, refusing to separate from their leather seats and dashboards cluttered with plastic figurines. Not long ago, Angelenos even watched movies from their cars. They didn’t do it in the way that some children now […]

Classifieds – September 24

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