Weekend Picks

thursday, january 21 Karaoke Dance Party 9 p.m. > The Hideout > FREE Every Thursday, the classy Westside lounge hosts Gold Dust Productions’ karaoke dance party. Complete with free tacos half-price drinks until midnight, it’s your spot to sing and dance the night away. Whale Watching 1:30 p.m. > Cabrillo Marine Aquarium > FREE with […]

Jennifer Song to turn pro

The No. 1 collegiate golfer will forgo her college eligibility at the end of next season and become a professional golfer.

Online spoilers ruin all the fun

My name is Nicholas Slayton, and I was a spoiler addict. No matter how hard we try to wait for the endings and plot thickeners of our favorite movies, books and shows, spoilers abound. The largest source of these are the Internet, where everything from the twists to the season finale of 24 to the […]

Celebs raise bar to plastic standard

In our society, we are told that if we work hard enough for something, we can achieve it. Who knew that the rich and famous would come to understand this illustrious set of desirables to include rhinoplasty, breast enhancement, liposuction and a laundry list of other cosmetic surgeries only a sliver of America’s upper crust […]

Burning calories, if you know what I mean

CNN published a story at the beginning of January outlining the possible health advantages of having sexual intercourse. These benefits will soon be revealed in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. And just like a captivated puppy, every college student in the country just perked up one ear. The article said that people who have frequent […]

Digging Up the Backissues: Green Arrow Year One

You may be asking yourself: comic books? Seriously? Well, why not? Comic books are the ultimate template for creativity. Movies require millions of dollars, but with comics, you can get intense action, emotive characters and genius stories, all for a cheap cost. Interested now? If you are, think of this post as a comic book […]