Our top songs of 2009

Inspired by Rudy Klappers top 10 albums of 2009 (the entire top 20 is posted online!), I decided to once and for all clean off last year’s musical slate with a best SONGS of 2009. And surprise! None of the songs are on albums from Klapper’s list, so get over to iTunes and check these […]

Doughnut company tosses out the fryer

Few things are more sinister than doughnuts. They may be soft and fluffy, but nix the glaze and creamy filling and doughnuts are really just a piece of deep-fried cake. At least the deep-fried Snickers bar was honest about it. Those looking for an alternative to sugary-sweet breakfast pastries, however, could end up dealing with […]

Indie band’s second album fails to impress

If you’re in need of background music for your next vegan barbecue with your American Apparel-clad hipster friends, Nana Grizol’s Ruth would be a good candidate. It would fit in seamlessly on your “Indie” playlist, and don’t worry —  no song is so fast it makes you bob your head to the point of choking […]

Poor execution stakes vampire movie

Amid the number of vampire films emerging from the recent craze, it has been hard to find a true vampire story. While vampire movies released lately do pertain to blood-sucking creatures, they lean toward one of two ends of the vampire myth spectrum. On one end of the spectrum are the Anne Rice and Twilight […]

Carroll’s departure creates identity crisis

“USC sucks!” “The giant has been slain!” “You guys are fast-paced downhill now!” By now, we’ve heard our fair share of taunts from Westwood and beyond. Why do these comments hurt so much? Why am I so offended? At the University of Southern California, the student body is drawn from a variety of different backgrounds. […]