Letters to the editor

Wall evokes familiar memories I was startled to see a familiar wall on the USC campus this week. In 2008, I graduated from UC Irvine, the original location of this particular wall. UC Irvine has experienced a lot of controversy regarding this wall and the issues surrounding it, so much so that the Muslim Student […]

Future Trojans are initiated flawlessly

When I was notified that I had been accepted to USC, I was greeted with a charming folder full of USC paraphernalia showcasing all the school had to offer. I immediately planned a visit, read through all the materials I had received and went online to research the university even more than I already had […]

Weekend Picks

thursday, april 15 Ann Gallagher 7 p.m. > Hammer Museum > FREE In conjunction with the Rachel Whiteread “Drawings” exhibition, Ann Gallagher, the head of collections at the Tate London, will share her expertise Thursday at the Hammer. She will talk about today’s art and why it’s so different, so appealing and so worthy of […]

Big talk

Albert “Skip” Rizzo made a presentation at Bovard Auditorium on Tuesday for the USC Institute for Creative Technologies as part of the TEDxUSC conference. The center developed a virtual reality system to help soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder. The TEDxUSC conference was a daylong event and featured new technology demonstrations, presentations and musical performances.