Saying goodbye isn’t always a challenge

As I’ve walked around the USC campus the past few days, I have seen nothing but tears, last minute photo ops and heartfelt goodbyes. I get that graduation represents some sense of finality — the light at the end of the tunnel for college students. But for those who fear that an exit from the […]

Letter to the editor

System falters I am extremely disappointed in the university’s failure to communicate with students, faculty and staff on Tuesday, April 27, while the school was on lockdown following a bomb threat to Leavey Library. The lives of all members of the Trojan Family are endangered when critical emergency information is not disseminated in a timely […]

One man punk outfit goes out with bang

LCD Soundsystem, the gargantuan punk-dance-pop project of James Murphy, has been a highly dependable source of tunes that blur the line between innovation and accessibility. Over eight years and throughout two albums, Murphy has operated in this area as an antihero of hip. On This Is Happening, his third and allegedly last album as LCD […]

Reprise pairing of actor and director works again

Ten years ago this month, Ridley Scott’s Gladiator, that year’s Academy Award winner for best picture, first appeared in theaters. So if Friday’s release of Robin Hood — another action-adventure period piece starring notoriously temperamental Australian thespian Russell Crowe, with Scott again at the directorial helm — awakens in you an uneasy sense of decadal […]

USC misses chance for reparations

Last week, thousands of proud seniors braved the intense California sun and the earliest Friday morning wake-up call since their freshman year general education classes to participate in the university’s 127th annual commencement ceremony. Graduate students who received their postgraduate honors joined them. Also in attendance were five honorary degree recipients — William J. Bratton, […]