Rumored opening acts for Femme Fatal tour

In the typical Britney Spears fashion, the pop princess  returns with a bang with her Femme Fatale tour, beginning June 17 in Sacramento, Calif. and ending August 13 in the same city. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about Enrique Iglesias opening for the iconic pop-star, but this claim was rejected as Iglesias announced […]

March still trumps the BCS chaos every time

Every college football season for the past 10 years has featured a thunderstorm of complaints about everybody’s favorite whipping boy, the Bowl Championship Series. When fans, coaches and sports writers complain about the lack of a playoff system in college football, they immediately point to March Madness as the gold standard for determining a true […]

Weinstein Company sacrificing story to make a profit

#$%&, @#$%, #$&* ! The uninhibited stream of four-letter words might be the best line in the Oscar-winning screenplay of The King’s Speech, not for its profane content, but for the raw emotion Best Actor winning Colin Firth puts behind it, portraying a Prince (and future King) of England letting down the wall of propriety […]