Letter to the editor

Viral emails need attention   On March 8, several friends and I learned about what’s now known as the “Kappa Sigma email.” We were appalled and frustrated by the administration’s decision to await Kappa Sigma’s own internal investigation before taking action. Moreover, we were frustrated by what we see as a culture of misogyny, not […]

Drilling proposal must make safety a priority

April of last year was shaping up to be just another normal month. The weather was warming up. We were preparing for finals. Larry King had just left his seventh wife. And suddenly, there was that really big oil spill, the one that killed 11 workers, thousands of friendly sea creatures and potentially one million […]

The Clothesline Project tackles sexual violence

This morning, members of the Clothesline Project at USC hung up T-shirts around Alumni Park decorated by survivors of sexual violence and the people who support them. Each color shirt represents a different form of sexual violence: grey represents gang rape; light blue and green are child abuse and incest; dark blue is for supporters […]