Troubled Trojans have chance at redemption

Few athletic programs earn dual acclaim for their football and men’s basketball teams. To wit, Florida, Ohio State, Texas and Notre Dame are the only universities that really qualify. Without question, USC’s path to improving its basketball program and joining their ranks is littered with obstacles — some endemic, most brought on by poor management […]

TV struggles with political agendas

With the election finally over, political discussion will return over the coming weeks to its usual, more manageable fervor. Though a welcome respite to most, that certainly isn’t to say that it’s time to tune out of current events completely; for anyone who consumes television, doing so would be more or less impossible. Politics and […]

How should the Republican Party reinvent itself?

What made the difference between a second term for President Barack Obama and a first term for Mitt Romney? Ninety-three percent of black voters, 71 percent of Hispanic voters, 73 percent of Asian voters, 55 percent of women voters, 63 percent of voters earning a family income under $30,000 and 60 percent of voters ages […]

Undeclared students need more comprehensive advisement

At orientation, students in most majors are given sample four-year schedules detailing when to take what classes. Some freshmen have their entire college career mapped out by the second week of school.    But what about the students who have not yet selected a major? Unfortunately for them, USC lacks an advisement system comprehensive enough […]

State affairs

Former California Gov. Gray Davis shared his opinions about California’s future and current standing in the wake of the election as part of a panel at a “Road to the White House” event Tuesday.